
Sculpture inspired by the dynamic forces of nature

My aim is to honour the forces at work on land, at sea, and in the air, and to capture a moment and an emotion in my art. I don’t try to replicate nature, only to share my love for it, and my reaction to its beauty.

Sculpture is the right medium for me as I strive to give form to the essence of the energy all around us.

I believe that it is necessary for a person’s well-being to feel a connection with nature. My work is an honest response to my love for the natural world.

Background and Inspiration

Brought up a farmer’s son on a cliff top above St Gennys, Ben was drenched in an understanding of the ebbs and flows of nature, and the forces that shape and influence it. He is a Cornish sculptor who works surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of the place that has been his home since birth.

Ben’s joyous sculptural forms and shapes flow out of his approach to life and the things he sees and experiences around him. He has experienced first-hand the drama of the Atlantic Ocean and the waves that crash against the beach, the experience of sailing on it and surfing through it, the joy of encountering the species that call it home.